Hello. Just like this article title states, I am writing about a Netflix Coupon Gift.
I was poking around on the Internet a few days ago, and I figured there must be a free Netflix trial offer out there somewhere. So as you might guess I found many different trial offers offering many various prizes for one's participation.
The offer that had the largest prizes was the one I would like to mention here in this article. With this particular offer their is a choice of $500 cash or two years of Netflix usage free. Now it doesn't say so upfront, but to see these prizes one would need to sign up for several other trial offers. Only then would be be able to receive one of those two prizes.
So I can see now that these types of offers are an attempt to get people to sign up for additional offers to make these companies that create these offers more money. But hey, I have no problem with that. I say let those that would like to go through whatever procedures are required and grab those prizes they are offering for your participation.
Personally, I didn't have time to get those big prizes. I just wanted to start a Netflix account for free. At the time of this writing there is a 14 day free trial for those that follow the link to the offer website. The very least you'll get by signing up is 14 days free Netflix usage.
This trial was long enough for me to determine that I did like Netflix enough to stay on as a member. So I write this for whoever will read in the future as a happy Netflix user. So hey, I challenge you to read the fine print and check out what really is required for one to actually end up with two years free Netflix service or $500 cash.
All the best to you, and if you're reading this for the reason I think you are head on over to this offers webpage I clicking this text here. Take care and enjoy.
Link: Netflix Coupon Gift